Save money on the freshman fifteen

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For today’s post I asked another author to contribute to our money-saving forum.

What’s the best way to save money on weight loss? 
Don’t gain weight in the first place, of course.

Here’s what Camille McConnell, author of Stop Eating Today! has to say on the subject.


I can’t sleep. It’s 4:40 am and, no, I’m not usually this much of an early bird. I don’t care about catching worms, I really just like to sleep. But I can’t.

I’ve got Freshman 15 on my mind. It’s May and most of the college Freshman are home now. My friend’s sister came home from her Freshman year at college at least 15 pounds heavier and a little depressed. A lady who just bought my book, Stop Overeating Today!, told me her daughter just came home from her Freshman year and is at the heaviest weight she’s ever been at and that she’s struggling. My aunt brought in a relative who had a rough Freshman year due to the unhealthy college lifestyle – poor sleeping, poor eating, etc.

Hearing these stories about Freshman girls struggling with weight gain hits a personal chord in me. I gained about 20 pounds my Freshman year. Before college, I had already struggled with overeating and bulimia, so that definitely contributed to my difficulty adjusting to the anarchy of college. With nobody telling me what time to go to bed, what to eat, and what time to get out of bed in the morning, I was a free bird to experiment as I pleased and make plenty of mistakes along the way that affected my health and my judgment.
So how did I get my Freshman 15 off?? The solution wasn’t just to exercise more. That didn’t fix the main problem, which was overeating. The way to avoid gaining extra weight as a Freshman, as well as how to get rid of extra weight gained, begins with making a list of at least five occasions in which overeating occurred. College wasn’t that long ago for me, so I can remember at least five times I overate. Here’s my list:

1) Pizza party in the girls dorm at eleven pm

2) Brownie party in the girls dorm at two am

3) Getting seconds at the cafeteria in the morning

4) Buying extra food and stocking it in my dorm fridge

5) Ice cream party in college dorm at midnight

6) Late night runs to the college dorm vending machines while doing my laundry

(See a familiar theme? If I had gone to bed before 11 pm every night, I probably could have saved myself from gaining 10 pounds.)

The next thing to do is to identify why you overate in each situation. Were you stressed about your grades and felt like indulging? Were you eating out of emotion: giddiness, excitement, nervousness, anxiety, depression, or worry? Did you need to figure out how to get to bed earlier and miss most of the late night binges?

Here’s a chapter from my book, Stop Overeating Today!, that talks about my ice cream party in the college dorm at night and discusses how I learned to stop emotional eating. The tips from my book were written after I successfully lost 35 extra pounds gained from overeating, weight acquired in high school and college. Obviously, my example is an extreme one, but it shows that I really understand the challenges of Freshman 15 and I am an expert in how to stop overeating and lose extra weight gained. Read the tip about emotional eating! How to Stop Emotional Eating

For more free chapters from the book Stop Overeating Today!, please visit:  

Camille McConnell, Life Coach
Stop Overeating Today! was featured on #5 ranked Dr. Laura Show as Book of the Week

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One Response to Save money on the freshman fifteen

  1. CF says:

    Freshman 15 statistics show there is some truth to the unwanted weight gain experienced by some students in their first year of college but the actual amount gained is debatable. According to campus myth, college freshmen can expect to pack on an extra 15 pounds by the end of their first year at college. The Freshman Fifteen becomes a living breathing reality for many college freshman.

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